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・16日も9:00- ・最後までやります…つもりです ・方法論的な問題はないか?という話をあまりできなかったので、次回に ・ダイナミックビジョン調べます ・global-localと半球差について ・考えてみると、MEGやる前にこのへん読むべきかな…ということで ・読むべき文献リスト Fujioka, T., Trainor, L.J., Ross, B., Kakigi, R., Pantev, C., 2004. Musical training enhances automatic encoding of melodic contour and interval structure. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 16, 1010–1021. Schiavetto, A., Cortese, F., Alain, C., 1999. Global and local processing of musical sequences: an event-related brain potential study. Neuroreport 10, 2467–2472. Trainor, L.J., McDonald, K.L., Alain, C., 2002. Automatic and controlled processing of melodic contour and interval information measured by electrical brain activity. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 14, 430–442 Ivry, R.B., Robertson, L.C., 1998. The Two Sides of Perception. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Deouell, L.Y., Bentin, S., Giard, M.H., 1998. Mismatch negativity in dichotic listening: evidence for interhemispheric differences and multiple generators. Psychophysiology 35 (4), 355–365. Levänen, S., Ahonen, A., Hari, R., McEvoy, L., Sams, M., 1996. Deviant auditory stimuli activate human left and right auditory cortex differently. Cereb. Cortex 6, 288–296 Shtyrov, Y., Kujala, T., Ahveninen, J., Tervaniemi, M., Alku, P., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Näätänen, R., 1998. Background acoustic noise and the hemispheric lateralization of speech processing in the human brain: magnetic mismatch negativity study. Neurosci. Lett. 251, 141–144. Poeppel, D., 2003. The analysis of speech in different temporal integration windows: cerebral lateralization as ‘asymmetric sampling in time’. Speech Commun. 41 (1), 245–255. Sanders, L.D., Poeppel, D., 2006. Local and global auditory processing: behavioral and ERP evidence. Neuropsychologia 45 (6), 1172–1186. このへんかな…数が多いので協力者を求めています ・自閉症の特性としては、 Elsevier Article該当ページ AUTHOR:T. Lepistö S. Silokallio T. Nieminen-von Wendt P. Alku R. Näätänen T. Kujala TITLE:Auditory perception and attention as reflected by the brain event-related potentials in children with Asperger syndrome でピッチ弁別時の半球差について、また、 MIT Press Journal該当ページ AUTHOR:Anna Bonnel, Laurent Mottron, Isabelle Peretz, Manon Trudel, Erick Gallun, and Anne-Marie Bonnel TITLE:Enhanced Pitch Sensitivity in Individuals with Autism: A Signal Detection Analysis で周波数弁別閾に関する自閉症の行動データがあります。 (こちらはそのうち訳をUPします) ・global処理を優勢に行う半球…結局何をしているのか とりあえずメモで。 PR ![]() ![]() |